Ancient Healing Tools

a modern guide.

Each item in this collection has a fascinating history of healing and symbology.

This guide will explore the intoxicating incense of Ancient Egypt,

the sage burning rituals of Native Americans, the meditative sound of the Tibetan

singing bowls and other healing tools from the bygone era.


Book of Botanicals

"To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw a perfume on the violet, is wasteful and ridiculous excess"


The practice of using plants for medicinal purposes is traditional in many cultures.

In India for example, Ashwaghandha is a remedial herb prescribed as a nerve tonic and an aphrodesiac.

If used topically it can also treat mild infections like boils and ulcers.

Essential Oils

'The mists of time'

- John Mayall

The ancient Egyptians harnessed the healing power of

flowers and perfected the art of aromatherapy.

High priestesses built laboratories to distil flowers

and obtain aromatic essential oils which they would

blend to create medicinal forumlas that

treated a variety of ailments.

Essential Oil Burner

René-Maurice Gattefosse, a 19th century

French chemist coined the term

'Aromathérapie' after discovering the healing

properties of Lavender when he severly

burned his hand in his laboratory. He is

known as the Father of Aromatherapy despite

the Egyptians and Australian Aboriginals

using flower essences for centuries.

Tibetan Singing Bowl

"Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue."

- Plato

The ancient sound healing practice of the

Tibetan singing bowls invoke irresistable

intrigue. The vibrational sounds that emit

from the water bowl assist meditation

awakening mind, body, and soul through their rich

audible tones and invisible frequencies.

Sage Smudge

"May that smoke carry our prayers, spiraling, to the heavens"

- Smudging Prayer by unknown

Smudging is an indigenous purification ceremony

practiced by Native Americans to clear negativity

and bad spirits. The bundle comprises of white sage,

sweetgrass, cedar and sometimes even tobacco.

Each plant represents the teachings of the Medicine Wheel

and represents north, south, east and west.

Healing Herbs

"let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

- Hippocrates

Lavender is an all-purpose herb.

Place it on your pillow to alleviate insomnia,

add it to your washing as a linen perfume,

and hang a bunch of lavender in your house to deter flies

and mosquitos. Lavender can also treat headaches,

stress and digestive issues.


"...and when the pillar was overthrown, fire in the forest, blaze of the dust-cloud,

celestial ashed mantled it round, until time, the lava,

created this gift, of translucent stone."

– Pablo Neruda

Stones and crystals have been used by the Ancient Egyptians

doctors of the Renaissance period, Greek sailors during war and by Chinese emperors.

The crystals are traditionally used for protection,

strength and healing.


"Light the incense!

You have to burn to be fragrant."

- Rumi

Incense has been used since antiquity

as a religous practice and for everyday purposes.

Various fragrant woods, resins, herbs, and oils are

burned to release an intoxicating fragrance that

can be used in meditation, to vanquish odors,

and for religious ceremonies.

The collection can viewed at Leonie House, Elwood

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